Minutes for November 2018

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Prides Crossing #4 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

November 1st, 2018

Board members in attendance: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Debbie Huizar, Steve Bobrick, Charlene Stratton, and Melissa Burzell via telephone.

Homeowners in attendance: Chris Kelly, Mary Kelly, Rich Roberts.

Reed called the meeting to order at 6:37pm

Steve motioned to approve board meeting minutes for October, Steph seconded the motion, all approved (-) Melissa who was having trouble hearing over the phone and chose to abstain from any voting during this meeting.

Melissa had nothing new to report regarding Xeriscaping and is in the process of researching a Reserve

Charlene- Regarding our contract with Damien.
Is Damien a “good fit” for our HOA? His job is primarily collections and any outstanding collections, if any exist, would be billed to the HOA proceeding a contract cancelation. The board decides when to send to collections. Moving forward, we should compare the fees of other attorneys and make an educated decision
regarding a possible change of legal counsel in the future.

Steve- Regarding snow removal contract with Hawkins Bro’s:
Debbie motioned that we give Steve the authority to sign the contract, with prior board approval regarding the amount of said contract. Steph seconded the motion, all approved (-) Melissa.

Board discussed the current HOA violation policy:
Because the policy tends to contradict itself and has set a few unattainable standards, the board has decided they will amend the violation policy at a later date.

Steph- regarding an HOA Facebook page/group:
Steph and Charlene will work together to create guidelines for a private Facebook group, the primary focus would be on community building and involvement and would NOT be directly associated with the HOA or its board and policies. Any and all communication regarding HOA issues would still have to be submitted through email directly to the HOA to be considered valid.

Communication and getting homeowner emails:
Postcards would cost $120.43
Charlene will create a postcard to send to all homeowners in an attempt to obtain email addresses.
Reed or Melissa will create an online form that homeowners can use to share their email address.

Board needs to notify homeowners living on the fence line of upcoming fence repairs to be done by Hawkins Bro’s. Board agrees to accomplish this on or before the 4th of November to insure timely notice of said

Architectural Review Committee:
Set a limit on project timelines: Homeowner will have 180 days from start to finish to complete projects.
Committee has 45 days to give an answer, approved or denied, after a project has been submitted for review. Steve made a motion to approve the above stated Architectural Review Committee policy, Reed
seconded the motion, all approved (-) Melissa.

Christmas lighting contest:

Board decided to skip this year due to lack of community involvement in the past. The floor was opened for homeowner questions/concerns/comments:
Chris asked if checks for dues had been deposited. Reed answered that all checks that have been received, have been deposited.

Board chooses to take a hiatus in January; the next meeting will be the first Thursday of December and
the board will meet again in February with all meetings to be held the first Thursday of each month until
further notice.

Meeting adjourned at 7:41pm.

Minutes for November 2018 PDF Download